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Author: Al Ingel

Al Ingel is a seasoned and accomplished home brewer with a brewing journey spanning 14 years. His passion for the craft has translated into numerous medals and best of show awards. Al's expertise extends beyond personal success, as he has collaborated with local breweries, seeing his creations enjoyed by the community. Al has generously shared his knowledge by mentoring home brewers, refining their techniques and enhancing their beer quality.

Grassy – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Grassy off-flavor refers to an undesirable taste and aroma resembling freshly cut grass or vegetal notes in home-brewed beer. It can detract from...

DMS – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: DMS, which stands for Dimethyl Sulfide, is a compound that can be found in home-brewed beer. It is a sulfur-based compound that can...

Estery – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Estery off-flavor refers to the presence of fruity or floral aromas and flavors in home-brewed beer. While some ester formation is desirable in...

Diacetyl – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Diacetyl is a naturally occurring chemical compound that can be found in home-brewed beer. It is produced during fermentation as yeast converts sugars...

Yeasty – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Yeasty off-flavor in home brew refers to an undesirable taste and aroma reminiscent of yeast, bread dough, or fermentation byproducts. While yeast is...

Vegetal – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Vegetal off-flavor in home brew refers to an undesirable taste and aroma reminiscent of cooked vegetables, grass, or other plant-like characteristics. It can...

Sulfur – Know Your Off-Flavors

Description: Sulfur off-flavor in home brew refers to an undesirable aroma and flavor reminiscent of rotten eggs, burnt matches, or sulfurous compounds. It can...