The 2023 Florida State Competition circuit is nearly complete, and I have a bit more brewing to do before it all ends.
This time, I’m brewing a tried and true style that is not only a crowd-pleaser but is one of my favorite styles to brew and drink.
American Amber Ale is the style for this brew, and it’s a malt-forward beer with enough hop character to give this style a broad interpretation and look of fun to experiment with.
There’s one more competition this season, and I want to help my club capture the state championship. I tinker with my Amber Ale recipe yet again to help accomplish this. Did it work? We’ll find out soon!
Post-brew details: Since this recording, I’ve named this beer “Red Wolf Astronaut” and created an AI-generated label with Adobe Firefly and Photoshop. You can see that label and all the other labels for Big Monster Beers on the Label Gallery page.
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